Monty Alexander

Those of you attending the Redwood Park studio, know about our new naughty kitten : Monty Alexandra.

Why that name?

Well we have to have musical names for our cats. This one was is named after jazz pianist Monty Alexander, but as she is a girl kitten, we had to change the name a bit.

What a free music pencil?

Watch the video at the below link and read the following wiki listings to answer the following questions at your next lesson.

Watch this link: Monty Alexander Live at Montreux
Read some of this: Monty Alexander



Montreux Festival

Answer these questions at your next lesson:

1. Where was Monty Alexander born?
2. What style of music does he play?
3. What happened to the Montreux Casino in 1971 that inspired Deep Purple to write the song Smoke on the Water? (Don't know that song? Click here)

Did you like this music? You can borrow that CD and others of his, just ask at your next lesson.